India Basin Shoreline Park

India Basin

Shoreline Park

Located in the Bayview-Hunters Point neighborhood of San Francisco, India Basin Shoreline Park presents a unique opportunity to combine a historic boatyard with an existing shoreline park into a new amenity that will allow better access to the bay, a restored historic boatyard landscape, passive and active recreation areas, and restored tidal marsh.

RANA is consulting with Gustafson Guthrie Nichols (GGN) on planting design, habitat design, and habitat range shift to accommodate sea-level rise scenarios for the park in 2030 and 2100.  With a goal to restore tidal marsh, which once dominated this filled landscape, RANA engaged in studying the intricacies of habitat transition within the tidal framework, from mudflat to low marsh, to high marsh, to upland. The adaptive design will allow continued enjoyment of the bayshore and provide resiliency for the city while enhancing one of California’s most endangered habitats.  90% of the Bay Area’s original salt marsh has been lost. The Bay Plan calls for 60,000 additional acres of marsh restored, ideally by 2030.  Increased project funding secured through Measure AA will help see the City’s way into the future, with thriving, diverse Baylands, a protected shoreline, cleaner water, and a multitude of healthy connection points.


San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department, The Trust for Public Land


GGN, RANA, Sherwood Design Engineers, Jensen Architects

